
The introductory sessions offered within the PREP System prepares students and parents for what is expected of them during the time that they are enrolled. Every student must complete the 12 sessions before enrolling into the PREP System. The mission behind these sessions is about preparing for the future with a common goal. Our host T.J. (cartoon avatar) guides each session as we develop a plan by encouraging growth and development. Each session is designed to increase awareness with each student concerning the need to focus on the opportunities available to them now. By encouraging the student to think about their overall goals and teaching them what daily goals are important for them to achieve, we can change the way the student currently sees school and the way they are interacting in classrooms and with their available resources. We use ideals and resources from a host of authors and success systems that we have found effective in their methods. We give full recognition to those in which it is due for the purpose of continual research by our students and their family.

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The quickest way to fail is to give up. The worst way to fail is to make a decision based on your current situation instead of planning to become what you know you want to be. Learn how to plan by seeing the facts of your status clearly.


To truly believe in yourself is to have confidence that you are better than any doubts about your ability to succeed whether they are from your beliefs or the beliefs of others. Learn how to make a decision and take accountability for the outcomes.


Refusing to fail ensures that your ability to succeed grows with every effort. Thinking positively is not enough alone, you must also filter the negatives to create a true balance. Learn how to produce positives out of negative expectations.


Logical decision-making is very important because it is the tool of the main decision makers in both you future career and the secondary education that you pursue. Learn how to think logically and fulfill most, if not every expectation.


Begin with the end in mind. Learn how to see yourself clearly as the professional you want to be and create a path that can help you accomplish the goals that you set on your way to becoming your best self. Remember, a belief does not have to be true in order for it to be a belief.


That place where you operate with the least amount of risk and stress. It is a wonderful place to be for a little while. Learn how to use your comfort zones wisely and remain productive throughout the process. Tapping into the student's potential is key to encouraging a lack of fear.


It is easy to say that you are giving it your best when the truth is that you really aren't. Maybe there are a few physical and mental safeguards that are holding you back. Learn how to get past any moments of discouragement and change how you look at the future.


Mistakes are common oversights of your expected goals. Everybody makes mistakes, but you don't have to keep making the same ones. Learn how to not only keep your mistakes simple, but how to also free yourself with forgiveness.


Super heros can come in all shapes, forms and sizes. From the single mother or father to the inspirational teacher from the 4th grade, students grasp and maintain information from many, many sources. How that information affects them and others is key to their ability to get to a "win-win" state. Learn how to don the cape and serve the community effectively.


Creating balance and order may not be as simple as it seems, but once achieved, it is soundly structured. Students tend to have quite a few activities going on at the same time while they are in school and not all of them are school-related. It is necessary to learn how to create a balance that could relieve stress and allow for the student to achieve higher scores all around.


Unlike what you learned in the fifth session, perfection defined by the expectations of others can be difficult to maintain. You are already behind in the process of their definition, because you have to meet the specifications of their visualized definition of perfection in many cases with very limited information. Learn how to redefine how others expect your best.


What is expected of you and what can you expect. This is the session where students are fully accepted into the PREP System and congratulated for their complete participation. Discussion of what they've learned and the presentation of their plan is given by the student to their support system.